Senators prepare for farm bill vote-o-rama on Tuesday

WASHINGTON, June 18, 2012 - The U.S. Senate is expected to start debate on the 2012 farm bill on Tuesday afternoon and consider more than 70 amendments, in addition to a Manager's amendment.

“This evening we’ve been able to come together on a path of final passage,” Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) said Monday night.  “I don’t support all of those amendments, but we’ll talk about them, we’ll debate and we’ll vote. That is the Senate at its best.”

Votes are expected to start at 2:15 pm on the amendments as listed below, alternating between those sponsored by Republicans and Democrats. 


1.         Akaka amendment #2440 (highly fractionated tribal lands);

2.         Akaka amendment #2396 (tribal relations office);

3.         Baucus amendment #2429 (Livestock);

4.         Bingaman amendment #2364 (multi-state aquifers);

5.         Brown-OH amendment #2445 (rural development);

6.         Cantwell amendment #2370 (pulse pilot);

7.         Casey amendment #2238 (technical/study -federal milk marketing)

8.         Coons amendment #2426 (poultry insurance study);

9.         Feinstein amendment #2422 (conservation innovation grants);

10.       Feinstein amendment #2309 (insurance recall);

11.       Gillibrand amendment #2156 (SNAP);

12.       Hagan amendment #2366 (crop insurance – plain language);

13.       Kerry amendment #2187 (commercial fishermen);

14.       Landrieu amendment #2321 (rural development loans);

15.       Manchin amendment #2345 (dietary study);

16.       Merkley amendment #2382 (organic crop insurance);

17.       Schumer amendment #2427 (acer);

18.       Stabenow amendment #2453 (NAP);

19.       Udall-CO amendment #2295 (bark beetle);

20.       Warner amendment #2457 (rural broadband);

21.       Wyden amendment #2442 (microloans);

22.       Wyden amendment #2388 (farm to school);

23.       Leahy amendment #2204 (rural development);

24.       Nelson-NE amendment #2242 (rural housing);

25.       Klobuchar amendment #2299 (transportation study);

26.       Carper amendment #2287 (poultry feed research);

27.       Sanders amendment #2254 (biomass);

28.       Thune amendment #2437 (crop insurance);

29.       Durbin-Coburn amendment #2439 (crop insurance);

30.       Snowe amendment #2190 (milk marketing order reform);

31.       Ayotte amendment #2192 (value added grants);

32.       Collins amendment #2444 (dairy);

33.       Grassley amendment #2167 (pay cap marketing loans);

34.       Sessions amendment #2174 (SNAP);

35.       Nelson-NE amendment #2243 (SNAP);

36.       Sessions amendment #2172 (SNAP);

37.       Paul amendment #2181 ($250,000 income limit);

38.       Alexander amendment #2191 (wind loans);

39.       McCain amendment #2199 (catfish);

40.       Toomey amendment #2217 (organic/AMA);

41.       DeMint amendment #2263 (broadband funding);

42.       DeMint amendment #2262 (SoS Free MKT);

43.       DeMint amendment #2268 (Loan guarantees);

44.       DeMint amendment #2276 (checkoffs);

45.       DeMint amendment #2273 (broadband);

46.       Coburn amendment #2289 (MAP);

47.       Coburn amendment #2293 (Limit Millionaires);

48.       Kerry amendment #2454 (North Korea);

49.       Kyl amendment #2354 (North Korea);

50.       Lee amendment #2313 (Forest Legacy);

51.       Lee amendment #2314 (CSP/CRP cut);

52.       Boozman amendment #2355 (Ag research, law info);

53.       Boozman amendment #2360 (TEFAP);

54.       Toomey amendment #2226 (energy title);

55.       Toomey amendment #2433 (sugar);

56.       Lee Motion to Recommit (FY 2008 levels);

57.       Johnson-WI Motion to Recommit;

58.       Chambliss amendment #2438 (conservation crop insurance);

59.       Chambliss amendment #2340 (sugar);

60.       Chambliss amendment #2432 (FMPP);

61.       Ayotte amendment #2195 (GAO crop insurance fraud report);

62.       Blunt amendment #2246 (veterans);

63.       Moran amendment #2403 (food aid);

64.       Moran amendment #2443 (beginning farmers)

65.       Vitter amendment #2363 (pets)

66.       Toomey amendment #2247 (paperwork);

67.       Sanders amendment #2310 (genetically engineered food);

68.       Coburn amendment #2214 (convention funding);

69.       Boxer amendment #2456 (aerial inspections);

70.       Johanns amendment #2372 (aerial inspections);

71.       Murray amendment # 2455(sequestration);

72.       McCain amendment #2162 (Sequestration report – DoD); and

73.       Rubio amendment #2166 (RAISE Act).

The Toomey amendment #2247 (paperwork); Sanders amendment #2310 (genetically engineered food); Coburn amendment #2214 (convention funding); Boxer amendment #2456 (aerial inspections); Johanns amendment #2372 (aerial inspections); Murray amendment # 2455 (sequestration); McCain amendment #2162 (Sequestration report – DoD); and Rubio amendment #2166 (RAISE Act) be subject to a 60 affirmative vote threshold.



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