Reid files cloture motion on farm bill

WASHINGTON, June 4, 2013 - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., filed a cloture motion late Tuesday for the farm bill after yet another day of political squabbling over which additional amendments should be allowed.

Reid’s move sets a Thursday morning roll call vote on the motion to proceed with the bill. If 60 votes are cast in favor, it would drop the number of pending amendments from more than 100 to a handful, and possibly lead to final passage of S. 954 by the end of this week or early next.

“We need to move forward,” Reid said. “It’s important to leave ample time for debate on the bipartisan immigration bill reported by the [Senate] Judiciary Committee a few weeks ago.”

Time has become increasingly sparse as the Senate will not be in session today to observe a memorial service for the late Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J. In addition, Lautenberg will lay in repose in the Senate chamber Thursday, presumably after the farm bill vote.


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