Boehner seeks "vigorous" farm bill debate on House floor

WASHINGTON, June 10, 2013- House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, today confirmed the House will consider the farm bill this month and encouraged a “vigorous and open debate.”

In a statement regarding the upcoming farm bill debate, he recognized House Agriculture Committee Chairman Frank Lucas, R-Okla., for reforms included in the farm bill passed out of committee, “especially provisions ending direct payments and making changes to the Food Stamp program that both parties know are necessary.”

Boehner further noted that “a fair process and open debate, leading to a product that reflects the will of our majority, the will of our members, and the will of those we represent” would be his priority.

“As a longtime proponent of top-to-bottom reform, my concerns about our country’s farm programs are well known,” Boehner said.

He specifically noted that he had concerns about the Dairy Security Act included in the 2012 Farm Bill that never reached the House floor, “and those concerns remain this year. I oppose those provisions and will support efforts on the House floor to change them appropriately,” he said.

“If you have ideas on how to make the bill better, bring them forward,” Boehner concluded. “Let’s have the debate, and let’s vote on them.”

The Speaker released his comments today hours before the Senate is expected to vote on its 2013 Farm Bill after an approved cloture late last week.


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