Group criticizes British court ruling on use of 'Greek Yogurt' label

WASHINGTON, Jan. 30, 2014 - The Consortium for Common Food Names (CCFN) criticized today a United Kingdom appeal court’s ruling declaring that only yogurt made in Greece could be labeled as “Greek Yogurt” in England.

The ruling was issued in response to a court case brought against U.S.-based Chobani by Greece-based Fage. Chobani is the top-selling yogurt brand in the United States.

“Chobani is, of course, disappointed with this result but the fight is not over,” a company spokesperson said. “Chobani is appealing to the Supreme Court, because we remain of the view that the population of the U.K. know and understand Greek Yoghurt to be a product description regardless of where it is made.”

Jaime Castaneda, CCFN executive director, “This ruling seeks to further broaden the already far-too-expansive scope of what European courts and officials are declaring to be off-limits for all but a select group of producers in one region of the world,”

Castaneda said the ruling came after the European Commission took steps to allow the advancement of an application that would grant Denmark the exclusive use of “Havarti.”


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