USDA details TPP benefits by commodity

WASHINGTON, Oct. 8, 2015 - USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service has issued commodity-by-commodity fact sheets outlining the reductions in tariffs and increases in import quotas negotiated under the Trans-Pacific Partnership. 

Japan, for example, is providing a new duty-free quota for U.S. rice that starts at 50,000 tons and rises to 70,000 tons in 13 years, according to FAS

For pork, more than 65 percent of the tariff lines would be eliminated within 11 years and within 16 years on nearly 80 percent. Japan sets a fixed price, known as a gate-price duty, for imported pork that will be educed from 482 yen (about $4) to 50 yen (about 42 cents) per kilogram in 11 years.

Malaysia has committed to eliminating its duties on pork in 15 years. Vietnam, which has tariffs on pork as high as 34 percent, will eliminate them in five to 10 years. 

Japan, meanwhile, will eliminate 74 percent of its tariff lines for beef within 16 years. 

Japan’s tariffs on peanuts, currently as high as 10.4 yen (8 cents) per kilogram, will be eliminated in 11 years.


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