Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Thursday, September 26, 2024

Agri-Pulse Marketing Services

"About Agri-Pulse" video


2024 Agri-Pulse Media KitAgri-Pulse media kit thumb

Agri-Pulse Communications, Inc. and its family of information services is the leading source of agriculture, food and rural policy news, analysis and insights, supported by the largest, most experienced ag news bureau based in Washington D.C.; Camdenton, Missouri; and Sacramento, California.


The Agri-Pulse Audience - 10,000+ Influencers and Decision Makers

  • Federal legislators & staff involved in agriculture, food, rural & energy
  • State governors and ag department staff in all 50 states
  • “C suite" and ag policy-minded executives in the agribusiness, farm retail/co-ops, energy and food industries
  • Farmer leaders and executive staff serving farm commodity, marketing, promotion and trade associations
  • Farm Bureau Leadership from all 50 states + Puerto Rico
  • Western Growers Association members (2,000+)

Suite of Agri-Pulse Products and Services


  • - offering high-traffic, high-value banners, video and audio solutions: Averaging 58,000 unique visitors and 210,000 page views monthly
  • Banner ads on Daily Harvest emails, averaging 55% open rates and reaching over 8,000 agriculture influencers
  • Banner ads on Energy-Pulse Daily emails, targeting 700+ federal legislators involved in energy policy
  • Audio and banner ads on Agri-Pulse DriveTime podcast, a popular end-of-day news wrap podcast
  • Cover wraps on the Agri-Pulse weekly newsletter reaching over 9,000 agriculture influencers


  • Group subscriptions for the full Agri-Pulse suite of products, offering attractive discounts for 5 to 250+ subscriptions
  • Exclusive group subscription packages for Daybreak (podcast with transcript provided)
  • Subscription opportunity for Agri-Pulse West...exclusive news and information on California and western states agriculture, food and rural issues

    Special Events & Presentations

  • Sponsorship opportunities: 
     -Ag & Food Policy Summit - Washington D.C. - March 18, 2024
     -Food & Ag Issues Summit West - Sacramento, CA  - June 4, 2024
     -Ag Outlook Forum - Kansas City, MO - Sept. 23, 2024
  • In-person speaking engagements, policy briefings
  • Custom webinars on a variety of topics in food and ag

For information on Marketing & Advertising Services, contact

Jason Lutz -

Tom Davis -

Allan Johnson -

Burke Kennedy (Agri-Pulse West) -

Subscription Information

Paige Dye -

(573) 873-0800 |