NEW YORK, September 20, 2017 - New York counties of Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester will blend at least 5 percent biodiesel (B5) into all home heating oil sold by July 1, 2018. Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the legislation increasing use of biodiesel on Sept. 13. “New York has long been a leader in recognizing the environmental, public health and economic benefits of biodiesel, not only in transportation applications but in the heating oil market as well,” said National Biodiesel Board (NBB) CEO Donnell Rehagen.  “We commend Governor Cuomo for signing this important bill that will provide cleaner air for more New Yorkers by improving emissions from heating oil.” New York City, the largest municipal consumer of heating oil in the country, instituted a citywide 2 percent biodiesel requirement in 2012 that increases to 5 percent on Oct. 1. Now the entire New York City metropolitan area, representing approximately 70 percent of the state’s heating oil market, will have a 5 percent biodiesel blending requirement.

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