Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, September 21, 2024

2023 Ag & Food Policy Summit


As Congress formally kicks off debate over a new farm bill in 2023, you can expect a lot of discussion over what types of federal farm programs are important and how funding should be distributed in an effort to support farmers, ranchers and the consumers who rely on them. Outside of the House and Senate Ag Committees, private companies, public institutions, non-profit organizations, and even non-farm investors are also looking to be involved in these discussions.

At the 2023 Agri-Pulse Ag & Food Policy Summit, we will look at some of the forward-looking ideas under development that will drive policy discussions for not only this year, but the decades ahead. We’ll visit with some of the diverse players who are trying to influence legislation and investment decisions. Plus, we will delve into the availability and sustainability of crucial resources like land, water, and crop protection chemicals. 

  View the agenda and speaker bios here.  

  View event photos here. 

View the event videos below.


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  AFBF Logo Bayer Logo Chevron logo CHS Logo Curious Plot logo Edge Logo Farm Credit Logo International Dairy Foods Association John Deere logo Syngenta


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Ag Council American Sugar Alliance Logo CCI Marketing logo Ducks Unlimited Logo EarthOptics logo Farmer Mac Logo FGS Logo Nachurs logo National Association of Conservation Districts NASDA logo National Crop Insurance Services Logo NMPF and USDEC National Pork Logo Nationwide Logo Native American Agriculture Fund logo Pivot Bio Logo Bronze Logo Bronze-Zoetis.jpg


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