Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, September 21, 2024

2024 Ag & Food Policy Summit

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2024 Ag & Food Policy Summit: Revitalizing Rural Revenues

Click here to view the agenda and speaker bios

Click here to view photos from the event

As we march into 2024 and beyond, farmers and ranchers are worried about weakening prices for major crops and concerned about higher production costs and interest rates. Growers tell us they’d like to see new revenue streams emerge, but have questions about where they will come from or how new climate smart practices will be compensated.

During the 2024 Ag & Food Policy Summit, we explored a wide variety of options, from local food systems to biomanufacturing, environmental markets and the potential to increase overseas demand. We wrapped up with a panel of policy analysts who explored some of the outside influences that are impacting the future of food and agriculture’s ability to stay economically sustainable.

View recordings from the event below.

Opening remarks from Sara Wyant, Agri-Pulse President & Editor





Thank you to this year's sponsors:




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