In a new report to the governor and Legislature, the California State Auditor found a number of issues that pose a high risk to the state.

Of the seven issues and five agencies cited in the report, aging water infrastructure continues to threaten public safety and water availability. The office continues to be concerned about the state’s ability to maintain reliable access to water, given that the $16 billion Delta Conveyance Project is still several years from being completed. The administration has touted the project as protecting Delta water deliveries from sea level rise and earthquakes.

“The project will likely face challenges related to funding and the timeline for completion,” concludes the report.

More than 100 dams are in less than satisfactory condition and 89 of those have significant hazard ratings.

The annual audit has also kept the transportation department on the list for the need to improve the state highway system. While Caltrans has made progress in recent years, the report warns the program has limited funding and must stay the course for another six years to meet its goals.

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