Fresh off this summer’s news that restaurants are now serving up Eat Just’s GOOD Meat’s cultivated meat to U.S. consumers, the company is being sued for breach of contract by two different engineering firms for failing to pay its bills.

CRB Engineers and CRB Builders filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Missouri which said GOOD Meat agreed to pay $2.26 million for work provided by CRB, but only paid $718,000. Of the $2.79 million owed for additional services, GOOD Meat only paid $50,000, according to media reports.

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ABEC, a bioreactor specialist firm, had previously worked to design pilot-scale bioreactors for the company’s California and Singapore facilities but terminated an agreement to make large-scale bioreactors. ABEC filed a lawsuit saying that Eat Just — the parent company of GOOD Meat — has “failed to live up to their financial obligations, including failing to make payment on more than $30 million of invoices.”

GOOD Meat spokesman Andrew Noyes said the company cannot comment on ongoing litigation.

A source familiar with the matter told Agri-Pulse, “The parties are in discussions to reach an agreement in both cases.”

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