WASHINGTON, Nov. 18, 2013 - Farm Journal Foundation will be hosting a gripping policy debate at its 2013 annual policy forum in December. “Point Counterpoint: Policy Innovations and Implications for
Implementation,” will be moderated by Sara Wyant, editor of Agri-Pulse, and will feature Mary Kay Thatcher and Chandler Goule. Mary Kay Thatcher is the senior director of congressional relations for the American Farm Bureau Federation. Chandler Goule is the vice president of governmental relations for the National Farmers Union .
This point-counterpoint session will create an engaging and thought-provoking discussion that explores the dynamics of agricultural policy issues. The conversation will focus on how food and
agriculture policies have recently changed and may change in the future.
“Now that the Farm Bill is in conference with passage rumored to occur before Christmas, the Water Resources Development Act is moving along and immigration reform is on the horizon, this debate will be key for anyone interested in understanding the agricultural policy landscape,” said Lesly Weber McNitt, Farm Journal Foundation’s director of government relations and program development.
The Farm Journal Forum is widely recognized as a premier food and agriculture policy event. The event facilitates discussions and forms connections between farmers, policymakers, industry leaders, NGOs and other stakeholders involved in shaping the future of agriculture and food security. Hosted in partnership with Informa Economics, the event will take place on December 4-5, 2013, at the Loews Madison Hotel in Washington, D.C.
The 2013 Farm Journal Forum is made possible by support from the premier sponsor, Monsanto Company, and supporting sponsors: AdFarm, Charleston|Orwig, CropLife America and DuPont, in association with Farmers Feeding the World. Registration and additional information is available at www.FarmJournalForum.com . Take part in the conversation on Twitter by following #FJForum13.
For more information go to: www.Agri-Pulse.com
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