Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Friday, September 20, 2024

Articles Tagged with ''Katherine Tai''

Pork processing

India vows to allow imports of US pork

India has blocked the imports of U.S. pork for years, demanding conditions for the trade that the U.S. has not been willing to accept, but the country is now promising to end the regulatory delays, according to the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative.
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India street scene

USTR eyes India tariffs as lawmakers press for action

U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai is meeting with high-level trade officials and reconvening the U.S.-India Trade Policy Forum to discuss India’s steep tariffs and other trade barriers, many of which are preventing or dampening U.S. exports of tree nuts, apples and dairy to the second-most populous nation in the world.
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US ag group: Farmers need new foreign market opportunities

The Biden administration needs to concentrate on negotiating to gain increased access to foreign markets for U.S. ag exporters – especially in Asia – or risk falling further behind in the international race to increase trade ties, according to a diverse panel of experts gathered Thursday by Farmers for Free Trade.
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US to jump-start trade engagement with China

After months of review and assessment, U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai says the Biden administration is set to begin confronting China directly on trade, pressing the country on implementation of the “phase one” deal and working with foreign allies to encourage Beijing to reform its trade policies.
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