Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Thursday, September 26, 2024

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Sustainable Agriculture Event


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8/22/17 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm CST


Location: Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
Kansas City,

Event Description

The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) is co-hosting a sustainable agriculture event in St. Louis on Tuesday, August 22nd, in coordination with the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF). The event will celebrate and discuss opportunities for collaborations among farmers, food and agriculture companies, policymakers, the public, and countless other ag stakeholders. NCGA and EDF are eager to bring together agricultural leaders to discuss how working in partnership with farmers and the private sector is the most effective way to support conservation and farm resiliency.

The event runs from 4-6pm, at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center’s AT&T Auditorium.

 NCGA CEO Chris Novak will give opening remarks, followed by a panel session that includes: 

  • Kraig Westerbeek: VP Environment and Support Operations, Smithfield Foods
  • Tim Richter: Farmer and Partner, Saratoga Partnership
  • Jason Jenkins: Monarch and Pollinator Coordinator, Missourians for Monarchs
  • Suzy Friedman: Senior Director of Agricultural Sustainability, EDF (moderator)

The panel session will be followed by a condensed sneak preview of the Discovery Channel’s forthcoming Rancher, Farmer, Fisherman documentary, based on a book that came out earlier this year (which Farm Bureau referred to as “the most important book about agriculture you’ll read this year – maybe ever.”

 Please RSVP (required) for the event here: