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USDA's 98th Annual Agricultural Outlook Forum/ Online


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2/24/22 to 2/25/22

Event Description

USDA’s Agricultural Outlook Forum offers a platform to distribute and interpret commodity market forecasts to stakeholders in the agricultural sector. USDA provides this information so stakeholders have the tools to read and respond to market signals. The 2022 Forum will feature a keynote address by the Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, a presentation on the 2022 agricultural economy by USDA’s Chief Economist Seth Meyer, a panel of distinguished guest speakers, and 30 breakout sessions organized by agencies across USDA and covering a range of timely issues impacting the sector. More than one hundred government, industry, and academic leaders will share their perspectives and insights on a wide array of topics including commodity and food price outlooks, U.S. and global agricultural trade developments, climate change, and innovations in agricultural production and sustainability.