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Monday, February 10, 2025
Vice President Kamala Harris, now the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, has a decidedly mixed record when it comes to agriculture in her home state of California, the nation’s No. 1 state by far in agricultural production.
The House takes up a bill aimed at boosting agriculture and energy research even as Congress lumbers toward the upcoming holiday break in a continued stalemate over spending for Ukraine and Israel, border security and fiscal 2024 appropriations.
All levels of government need better tools to predict the location and timing of wildfires, which destroy property but also cause health problems for firefighters and the public, the House Science, Space and Technology Committee heard Wednesday.
The Senate is set to OK President Joe Biden’s nominees for Interior secretary and U.S. Trade Representative this week, while the House looks to jump-start a congressional debate over immigration reform and farm labor.
The Farm Workforce Modernization Act, which would overhaul and expand the H-2A visa program, is in the mix again as lawmakers consider trying to pass immigration reform.
This is the fourth podcast in our five-part series examining a wide range of issues facing the dairy industry sponsored by Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative. In this episode, Spencer Chase and Ben Nuelle explore the realities of how hard it can be to secure a reliable workforce for the nation's dairy farms, what that means to the producer, and what is being done about it on Capitol Hill.
House Democrats say they are sympathetic to farmers who are struggling to find sufficient labor, but a compromise on fixes to the H-2A visa program will likely require support from farmworkers.