Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Friday, September 20, 2024

DriveTime: July 6, 2021


The White House on Tuesday discussed plans for an upcoming executive order on marketplace competition and USDA took long-term action on haying and grazing of cover crops. Learn more in today's DriveTime.

DriveTime: July 2, 2021


A pair of court rulings made headlines today: one that adds to a list of challenges for the Biden administration's minority farmer debt relief and another that brings back an old hurdle for expanding biofuel sales. Learn more in today's DriveTime. 

DriveTime: July 1, 2021


The Department of Agriculture announces a look at meat labels while Congress advances funding for part of the government key to food and agriculture. Hear more in today's DriveTime. 

DriveTime: June 30, 2021


Today's DriveTime features updates on the wildfire prevention efforts at the White House, the acreage figures from USDA, and a piece of checkoff legislation from Capitol Hill.

DriveTime: June 29, 2021


President Joe Biden pushes his infrastructure plan in Wisconsin, Fourth of July cookout foods are still affordable, and an economist lays out what to expect in tomorrow’s June Acreage report. That and more in DriveTime.

DriveTime: June 28, 2021


Today's DriveTime focuses on the Supreme Court as justices decline to take up a case brought by the nation's meatpackers while biofuels producers react to a Friday decision and what it means for the industry.