Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, May 11, 2024

Agri-Pulse Newsmakers

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Newsmakers: June 24, 2022: Rep. Jim Costa, Almond Alliance of California’s Aubrey Bettencourt, NMPF’s Paul Bleiberg, NCBA’s Ethan Lane on farm bill, drought, SEC rule and more

Duration: 31:48

Dairy policy has been a hot topic in recent farm bills and saw some big changes in the 2014 and 2018 legislation. The House Ag Committee held a hearing this week on dairy policy, and California Democrat Jim Costa shares his thoughts on what the provisions of the bill might ultimately look like.

There’s also a panel discussion from Aubrey Bettencourt of the Almond Alliance of California, Paul Bleiberg with the National Milk Producers Federation, and Ethan Lane with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association focusing on the news of the week and the proposed climate reporting rule from the Securities and Exchange Commission. 

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Newsmakers: June 17, 2022: Rep. Rick Crawford, R-Ark., RJ Karney, NASDA, Dennis Nuxoll, Western Growers, and Barbara Patterson, Michael Torrey Associates, on inflation, upcoming farm bill

Duration: 30:09

Congress considered legislation this week that House Democrats argued was a necessary step to address inflation in food and fuel prices, but House Ag GOP members offered a counter approach they suggested was the better way to go. Committee Republican Rick Crawford of Arkansas joins Agri-Pulse to discuss that legislation, the broader issue of inflation and his goals for the upcoming farm bill.

Then, a panel of experts including RJ Karney with NASDA, Dennis Nuxoll with Western Growers, and Barbara Patterson of Michael Torrey Associates offer their thoughts on the upcoming farm bill and what priorities they expect to see from Capitol Hill for the legislation.

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Newsmakers: June 10, 2022: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on the state of American ag infrastructure

Duration: 23:35
The 2021 infrastructure bill represented a massive investment in the nation’s infrastructure, including in the needs of rural America. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg joins Newsmakers to discuss the administration’s implementation schedule and what he sees as the big issues facing American ag infrastructure. 

Then, Peter Friedmann with the Agriculture Transportation Coalition, Mike Steenhoek with the Soy Transportation Coalition and Anne Steckel with the National Farmers Union take a look at other key legislation, the needs of the ag infrastructure workforce, and the role of electric vehicles in the future of the nation’s transportation fleet. 

Newsmakers: June 3, 2022: Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D., Scott Gerlt, ASA, and Mary Kay Thatcher, Syngenta, on the planting season and its farm bill implications

Duration: 29:53

The planting season is catching up to its average pace after weather challenges held some producers back for weeks. But growers in some regions are still facing challenges, and lawmakers representing them in Washington are pressing for relief. North Dakota Republican John Hoeven is one of those lawmakers and joins Newsmakers to discuss his request and the upcoming farm bill.

Then, American Soybean Association economist Scott Gerlt and Mary Kay Thatcher with Syngenta join a panel discussion to discuss the current planting efforts and their long-term implications on production and policy. 

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Newsmakers: May 27, 2022: Vince Hall, Feeding America, Brandon Lipps, Caprock Strategies, Kip Tom, Tom Farms, Andrew Cheyne, FRAC, on hunger and food bank demand

Duration: 33:18

Rising food prices are having a big impact on the need for assistance from the nation’s most vulnerable consumers, which is leading to swelling demand at the nation’s food banks. Feeding America’s Vince Hall joins Newsmakers to discuss the current situation and look ahead to what he hopes is learned at an upcoming White House conference and the action’s he’s hoping to see in the upcoming farm bill.

There’s also domestic hunger analysis from Brandon Lipps of Caprock Strategies and Andrew Cheyne with the Food Research & Action Center and a look at the food security issues due to the war in Ukraine from Kip Tom.

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Newsmakers: May 20, 2022: USDA’s Gloria Montaño Greene, crop insurance experts Tom Sell and Tara Smith on Emergency Relief Program, drought, permanent disaster and more

Duration: 33:58

The Department of Agriculture rolled out a $6 billion program aimed at helping producers who suffered disasters in 2020 and 2021. USDA’s Gloria Montaño Greene joins the program to discuss what producers should know about how they might receive assistance and takes a look at the broader risk management portfolio under the federal government’s umbrella.

Then, Tom Sell with Combest, Sell & Associates and Tara Smith with Michael Torrey Associates discuss the implications of disasters on the crop insurance program, the prospects of permanent disaster relief legislation and their concerns about actuarial soundness.

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