Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, September 01, 2024

Agri-Pulse Open Mic Interview

In depth interviews with leaders in ag policy
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Ambassador Doug McKalip, USTR

Duration: 26:09

This week’s Open Mic guest is Doug McKalip, chief agriculture negotiator in the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative. The nation’s producers reaped the benefits of shorter supplies of global agriculture products over the past few years, but a stronger dollar and an increase in supply have brought headwinds to international trade. USDA's most recent ag forecast suggests a trade deficit for U.S. agriculture, and there hasn’t been an announcement of a new trade deal in some time, and the Biden administration has concentrated on reducing tariffs as a means of improving ag trade. McKalip says the U.S. won’t give in to Mexico’s challenge of genetically modified crops and is contemplating its next move in trade relations with Canada over dairy policy.


RMA Administrator Marcia Bunger

Duration: 23:54

This week’s Open Mic guest is Marcia Bunger, administrator of the USDA’s Risk Management Agency. The crop insurance program is listed by many farm groups as the industry's most significant risk management tool, and participation has grown in both acres covered and products offered by the agency. The program price tag has increased due to participation and as well by devastating natural disasters across the country. Policies for dairy, specialty crops, and double-crop acres have brought more farmers to the table. Bunger says risk management tools are essential for farmers seeking loans to plant crops or expand their operations.


Steve Reinhard, United Soybean Board

Duration: 22:37

This week’s Open Mic guest is Steve Reinhard, chairman of the United Soybean Board. The Ohio farmer leads the 77-member group that determines where checkoff dollars will be utilized to grow the industry and create opportunities for soybean farmers. Reinhard sees a paradigm shift in demand for soybean oil which should lead to increased domestic crush and more competitive meal prices for exports and the domestic livestock sector. While functioning in the shadow of Brazilian soybean production and export volume, Reinhard says the U.S. commitment to sustainability and overall product quality will keep it viable globally. Reinhard says soy biodiesel and sustainable aviation fuel hold tremendous opportunities for the soybean industry.


Lori Taylor, The Produce Moms

Duration: 26:11

This week’s guest on Open Mic is Lori Taylor, founder and CEO of The Produce Moms. While working as a sales marketing professional in the produce industry, Taylor recognized the need of Millennial moms and others for a reliable and comprehensive online destination for facts and information to meet the challenge of improving diets with fruits and vegetables. The “community” as she describes the site provides nutritional information on fruits and vegetables, offers recipes and even brand name information. Taylor strongly supports the nation’s nutrition programs and believes in the partnership of medicine and food for better health.


Tom Buis, American Carbon Alliance CEO

Duration: 24:38

This week’s Open Mic guest is Tom Buis, CEO of the American Carbon Alliance. Buis has a long history of service to the agriculture industry. He’s been a farmer, worked in Congress, served a farm organization and the renewable fuel industry. He’s emerged from retirement to promote the renewable fuel industry’s need to lower its carbon score with pipelines.  Buis says the nation needs multiple sources of energy and should allow ethanol producers to capture carbon and safely store it in qualified geological areas of the nation. Buis sees tremendous opportunity for farmers and rural America if ethanol can be a feedstock for Sustainable Aviation Fuel. Without an improved carbon credit score, Buis says farmers, the environment and the economy will suffer.


Emily Metz, American Egg Board

Duration: 26:24

This week’s Open Mic guest is Emily Metz, president and CEO of the American Egg Board. Metz says producers have met and exceeded retail demand for “cage-free” eggs but are anxious to learn what demand issues may be revealed for future production. Metz says the egg industry is closely watching discussion from the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee as they prepare to offer recommendations next year and FDA efforts to define healthy foods and set parameters on front of package labeling.