Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, September 01, 2024

Agri-Pulse Open Mic Interview

In depth interviews with leaders in ag policy
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Frank Gasperini

This week’s Open Mic features Frank Gasperini, CEO for the National Council for Agricultural Employers. In this interview you will hear the frustration labor intensive agriculture faces each year in finding an adequate hourly workforce to harvest crops and care for livestock and how a coalition has grown challenging Congress to take action. Gasperini defines how some proposals for immigration reform could decimate some facets of the ag industry and threaten our nation’s food security.

Jeff Nalley

Frank Gasperini, CEO for the National Council for Agricultural Employers


Robert Johansson, USDA


Our guest on Open Mic this week is USDA Chief Economist Robert Johansson. In this wide-ranging interview, you’ll hear his perspective on any relationship between the drop in equity markets and commodity prices, thoughts on China, Brazil and other countries lowering their currency values, and the implications of the EPA’s upcoming decision on RFS volume standards for US farm income.

Jeff Nalley

Robert Johanson, USDA Chief Economist

Jeff Broin, Executive Chairman of POET

At 22, Jeff Broin managed a small South Dakota ethanol plant. Today POET is the world's largest producer of renewable fuels. In this interview, Jeff Broin shares the direct and indirect benefits of the Renewable Fuels Standard and warns of the domestic and global implications if Washington steps back from its commitment to renewable fuels. Broin says the future of the domestic renewable fuels industry hinges on the EPA's volume standard announcement later this year.

Jeff Nalley

Jeff Broin

Alan Tiemann, Chairman USGC

Our guest on Open Mic this week is Nebraska farmer Alan Tiemann who was recently elected as Chairman of the US Grains Council. In this interview you’ll hear a farmer’s perspective of market development in a competitive global environment, the value of a potential Trans Pacific Partnership trade agreement, the real potential for ethanol exports and a first-hand assessment of Cuban agriculture trade opportunities.

Alan Tiemann

Governor Martin O'Malley


This week’s guest on Open Mic is Governor Martin O’Malley, a Democratic candidate for President in 2016. In this interview you’ll hear his views on renewable fuel policy, environmental stewardship, global trade and why he believes leading a state like Maryland uniquely qualifies his bid for the Oval Office.

Jeff Nalley

Governor Martin O'Malley

Senator Chuck Grassley

This week’s guest on Open Mic is Iowa U.S. Senator Charles Grassley. With days left before the August Congressional recess, Grassley says leaders face some must pass legislation including highway funding and a final decision on Country-of-Origin Labeling. In this interview, Grassley offers insights into possible tax reform and the final stages of debate in the budget process. Grassley also says Congress needs to take action to protect poultry farmers from the continued threat of avian influenza.

Jeff Nalley

Senator Chuck Grassley