Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, September 21, 2024

Open Mic with Chuck Conner

Members of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives have real concerns with the EPA regulatory proposals for waters of the US and are hopeful congress will step up with meaningful immigration reform. Chuck Conner says while farmers are busy in their fields with the 2014 harvest, cooperative members are on task with handling, drying and storing an expected record corn and soybean crop this year.

Jeff Nalley

Chuck Conner, President, CEO of NCFC

Rod Snyder, President Field to Market

Field to Market is a diverse multi-stakeholder alliance including nearly every aspect of the food supply chain to define sustainability in today's agriculture and provide food for future generations. This group of farmers, food manufacturers, agribusinesses and conservationists is guided by science and outcomes to help farmers become better stewards. Fresh from a White House meeting on this topic, President Rod Snyder explains how the sum of their effort is a better understanding of the balance of nature and the growing need for more and better food.

Jeff Nalley

Rod Snyder, President Field to Market

Open mic with Bob Stallman, Pres. AFBF

American Farm Bureau President Bob Stallman hopes the lame duck session of the congress can agree to preserve cash accounting for farmers and ranchers as well as restoring the Section 179 advanced depreciation option. Stallman hopes the Obama administration stays within their authority on any potential action on immigration reform and still calls on the Environmental Protection Agency to withdraw their proposed rule on Waters of the United States. Stallman encourages trade negotiators to “hang tough” against those countries who are reluctant to open their borders to US agricultural products.


Bob Stallman

Open Mic with USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack

With last week’s announcement of the final rules for the Agriculture Risk Coverage Program and the Price Loss Coverage Program, farmers and landowners can now begin the process of sign-up for risk protection under the new farm law. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack says the USDA is ready for what promises to be a challenging task for FSA staff and the nation’s crop farmers. Vilsack has a wish list for the upcoming lame duck session of congress and says ongoing trade talks with the Japanese have implications far beyond the Trans-Pacific Partnership.


USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack

Tim Hassinger, CEO Dow AgroSciences

Dow AgroSciences announced a long awaited USDA approval for a new crop herbicide last week as well as a collaborative research and development agreement to benefit livestock producers. CEO Tim Hassinger says strategic agreements help companies share risk, resources and expertise in an effort to help agriculture meet the food and fiber needs of a growing planet.

Jeff Nalley

Tim Hassinger, CEO Dow AgroSciences

Open Mic with Representative Robert Aderholt

Congress is running short of time to deal with a continuing resolution to fund the government into Fiscal 2015. Alabama 4th District Representative Robert Aderholt, who serves as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration and Related agencies, shares his outlook on the funding bill and controversial topics like the Export-Import Bank and school lunch guidelines.


Representative Robert Aderholt