With California one of the slowest states for the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Tuesday a new system to standardize the process.

Beginning in mid-February, food and ag workers, along with those 65 and older and others in the top tier of Phase 1B, can make an appointment online. For the following round of vaccines, the state will begin prioritizing age groups over occupations. Newsom made clear, however, that ag workers will get the shot at the same time as older residents, and not after.

The administration launched a new website for notifying Californians when they are eligible and for scheduling appointments.

Fresno County began vaccinating its first farmworkers this week. But public health officials had enough doses to cover just .07% of the estimated 70,000 farmworkers in the county.

Food and farming giant The Wonderful Co. has been offering free inoculations to older residents in Kern County.