The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee has passed a bill to reauthorize the Water Resources Development Act.
Committee Chairman Tom Carper, D-Del., said the bill directs the Army Corps of Engineers “to construct critical water infrastructure projects and continue vital flood risk management and ecosystem restoration programs – all while making our communities more resilient to extreme weather and creating good-paying jobs.”
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The National Grain and Feed Association said the bill authorizes 81 feasibility studies
and eight new or modified construction projects, in addition to directing the Corps “to expedite the completion of several ongoing studies and projects from previous legislation.
“The U.S. inland waterways system is essential to the operation of NGFA-member companies," the association said. “Efficient inland locks and dams and modern ports are critical to America’s comparative infrastructure advantage."
The House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure held a hearing in December. Its website says the committee “is in the process of gathering information and input for developing and passing a WRDA later this Congress.”