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Sunday, February 09, 2025
President Joe Biden has announced his intent to nominate Jon Holladay as the chief financial officer at the Department of Agriculture, and Matthew Lyons is now the director of business development, Value-Added Fresh division, for Naturipe Farms.
President Joe Biden has announced his intent to nominate Jon Holladay as the chief financial officer at the Department of Agriculture and former SDA Deputy Secretary Jewel Bronaugh has returned to Virginia State University to be senior adviser to the dean for land-grant initiatives.
A key Senate lawmaker says the ongoing debate about raising the debt ceiling and a lack of farm bill legislative text should not prevent lawmakers from getting the 2023 bill done on time.
A handful of farm groups have been rejected in their effort to exempt truckers hauling live animals from federal mandates limiting the hours a driver can be on the job.
House Democrats will soon be under new leadership. Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Thursday that she will step down from leadership along with Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., and Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, D-S.C.
The American Farm Bureau Federation has selected Joby Young as its new executive vice president, and USDA announced the names of five officials who will lead state Rural Development and Farm Service Agency offices.
A bipartisan group of House members is introducing a bill to create a beef industry contract library that producers could consult in marketing their cattle. The House Agriculture Committee is expected to consider the measure on Thursday.
USDA's efforts to expand domestic animal disease traceability have been unfolding for more than a decade, but the department's latest push is facing a fresh wave of procedural hurdles, producer confusion, and technological debate.