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Monday, February 10, 2025
The Mexican government on Wednesday repealed an import ban on genetically edited corn after the U.S. successfully argued the measure violates its commitments under a North American free trade deal.
In what appears to be a response to claims amplified by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about the dangers of modern agriculture, nearly 270 farm groups from across the country are warning leaders of the House and Senate Agriculture committees about the importance of inputs such as pesticides.
In this opinion piece, Daren Bakst and Gabriella Beaumont-Smith with The Heritage Foundation discuss the potential fallout from Mexico’s bans and what the administration can do.
Federal rules for disclosing biotech food ingredients officially start taking effect Wednesday, but manufacturers and retailers don’t have enough information yet from USDA on how to comply with the regulations, say industry officials.
Crop developers say USDA’s effort to streamline its regulation of biotech crops will still slow the commercialization of many gene-edited products, but groups representing grain traders, food processors and restaurant chains are slamming the department's proposal, claiming it could lead to trade disruptions and undermine consumer confidence.
New disclosure requirements finalized by USDA for biotech foods will exempt products with inadvertent amounts of genetically ingredients as well as vegetable oils, sugar and other foods where the DNA of genetically engineered crops can’t be detected.