Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, September 21, 2024


Rodney Rulon

Opinion: Farmers can benefit from climate legislation

The fall harvest has finally wrapped up in Indiana, putting an end to a year that tested the willpower of farmers throughout our region. In addition to ongoing economic challenges, it was officially the wettest year on record. U.S. farmers couldn’t plant more than 19 million waterlogged acres, the majority of which were in the Midwest. Amid all these troubles, there are still areas of hope for the agriculture sector, and that’s why I’m on Capitol Hill this week.
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Grassley, Chuck OpEd

Opinion: Farm communities need USMCA

Farming is about community. It always has been. From the earliest known farming communities in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia to the modern farms punctuating the landscape of Rural America, people have worked together for centuries to cultivate the crops that feed the world.
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Opinion: Keeping America First in Agriculture By Implementing Animal Disease Vaccine Bank

America’s livestock industry accounts for millions of U.S. jobs and nearly 6 percent of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Our country has always been the global leader in agricultural production and exports, and thanks to vigilant diligence by the USDA and the U.S. Bureau of Customs and Border Protection, we have been able to keep numerous foreign animal diseases outside our borders. However, we want to ensure that diligence continues, otherwise inaction could threaten America’s standing, putting the livestock industry, the economy and consumers at risk.
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