Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, September 22, 2024

Items Tagged with 'Angus King'


Rural broadband wiring

Daybreak March 5: Stimulus aid could go to broadband

Democrats are pushing toward a final vote on President Biden’s $1.9 trillion economic stimulus package, although the legislation will have to go back to the House after Democratic leaders made a series of revisions to shore up support for the measure. Those changes include new language allowing state and local funding to be used for broadband improvements.

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Daybreak March 3: Vilsack’s goal: Address impact of racism

In an interview with Agri-Pulse, Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack said he’s open to helping aspiring Black farmers acquire the acreage they need by tapping federal land holdings. Vilsack made clear that his goal as secretary is to address the impact of a legacy of discrimination against minority farmers. It’s no longer an issue of just compensating producers who were the victims of discrimination themselves.

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murkowski cantwell

No congressional welcome mat for Energy, Interior reorganizations

Reorganization plans at the Departments of Interior and Energy did not get a warm reception at the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee last week, with senators particularly concerned about the administration's proposal to eliminate the Advanced Research Projects Agency within the Department of Energy (ARPA-E).
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