Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Friday, July 26, 2024

Items Tagged with 'Joe Maxwell'


USDA Whitten Building

Checkoff reforms face uphill battle in Congress

Some small-farm backers and animal welfare advocates are pushing for tighter policing of checkoffs, but the self-help commodity promotion programs are popular with most farmers, so don't hold your breath expecting new mandates from Congress.
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GIPSA reboot coming this fall

The Agriculture Department is taking another shot at rewriting regulations restricting how meat and poultry processors can treat producers, and familiar battle lines are being redrawn ahead of an anticipated release.
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New ‘family farm’ group forms

WASHINGTON, August 30, 2017 - A group called Family Farm Action has been launched to lobby for the interests of family farmers and against “multinational agribusiness monopolies that are destroying rural economies and way of life.”
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