The Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research is putting up $7 million for 16 research grants to address declining pollinator health. The FFAR awards are matched by more than 50 companies, universities, organizations and individuals for a total investment of $14.3 million toward research and technology development. Insect pollinators support crop yields and agricultural ecosystems and contribute an estimated $24 billion to the U.S. economy annually, FFAR pointed out. However, “Declines in native and managed insect pollinator populations threaten both the agricultural systems that sustain us and the ecosystems that surround us," said FFAR Executive Director Sally Rockey. The grants were awarded to successful applications after a competitive call for proposals in which applicants were required to secure funding to match the FFAR grant. To see a list of the 16 projects and their research leaders, click here. FFAR is a nonprofit established through bipartisan congressional support in the 2014 farm bill.
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Thursday, January 16, 2025