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Tuesday, February 18, 2025
President-elect Joe Biden names former United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power to run the U.S. Agency for International Development, a position Biden says will be elevated in importance under his administration.
The Senate Appropriations Committee released draft fiscal 2021 bills that would provide additional increases for rural broadband and other priorities while offering less than House Democrats for EPA and other regulatory agencies.
The Democratic-controlled House approved a package of fiscal 2021 spending bills Friday that would provide about $1 billion for rural broadband expansion while blocking the Trump administration from cutting food stamp rolls and carrying out key regulatory relief measures.
A House spending bill for the Agriculture Department would provide another $1.1 billion for rural broadband in fiscal 2021, a $435-million increase more than Congress provided for this year.
Senate Republicans are moving a fiscal 2020 spending bill for the Agriculture Department that tees up a fight with House Democrats over the relocation of two USDA research agencies to the Kansas City region.
Assured of President Donald Trump's support, the Senate and then the House passed a fiscal 2019 spending agreement Thursday to avert another government shutdown and fund USDA, Interior, FDA and other departments and agencies important to agriculture through Sept. 30.
Farm-state lawmakers are bracing this week for renewed proposals to cut agriculture spending as President Trump releases his fiscal 2019 budget, and Congress begins an extended debate on immigration policy.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1, 2017 - The U.S. shipping industry is facing a vicious circle. A decline in shipments of American food aid is causing the fleet to shrink. Now, lawmakers are citing that dwindling fleet as a reason to further reduce the amount of food aid shipped via U.S-flag carriers.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 19, 2017 - Key senators charged that rules for U.S. food aid are driving up shipping costs and robbing hungry children of desperately needed food without benefiting American farmers.
WASHINGTON, June 4, 2017 - With Congress returning from a week-long recess, lawmakers this week will push back on President Trump’s proposals to gut international food aid programs.