Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, September 21, 2024

Articles Tagged with ''dicamba''


State regulators sound off on dicamba labels

State pesticide regulators gave EPA an earful on the agency’s new dicamba registration at a meeting this week in Virginia, telling an official involved with the development of new labels for the herbicide they’re still confused about some aspects of the requirements.
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EPA extends dicamba registration for two years

Declaring that dicamba "is a valuable pest control tool for America’s farmers,” EPA Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler announced Wednesday, Oct. 31 the agency was extending by two years the conditional registration for the herbicide to be used "over the top" to control weeds in dicamba-resistant soybeans and cotton.
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As dicamba decision looms, judges hear from EPA, enviros

The Environmental Protection Agency failed to take into account the risks associated with dicamba before allowing Monsanto's Xtendimax formulation of the herbicide to be used for the 2017 growing season, lawyers for environmental groups and small family farms told a federal appeals court Wednesday.
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