Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, September 01, 2024

Items Tagged with 'Department of Transportation'



Application process, reimbursement requirement can create barriers for rural groups seeking federal grants

Federal programs intended to help farms and other rural businesses can have intimidating application processes or payment structures that render them inaccessible to some of their target recipients. Testimony in front of some congressional committees is raising these concerns while a series of webinars aims to help farmers and food entrepreneurs navigate the process.
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Opinion: Keep Rural America Driving

Department of Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao and Environmental Protection Agency Acting Administrator of the Andrew Wheeler recently announced their intent to reassess and correct the Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards.
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Livestock hauler

Livestock haulers push back on DOT’s ‘Hours of Service’ rule

WASHINGTON, September 27, 2017—Livestock haulers have lost discretionary control over their livelihoods and risk endangering the lives of the animals they transport because of a one-size-fits-all Department of Transportation Hours of Service (HOS) rule and the Electronic Logging Device that aggressively monitors it, industry experts and agricultural groups say.
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NPPC asks for trucking rule waiver

WASHINGTON, Sept. 13, 2017 - On Tuesday, the National Pork Producers Council delivered a petition to the Department of Transportation requesting livestock haulers be exempted from Electronic Logging Device (ELD) rules dictating allowable hours of service.
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