Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Thursday, February 13, 2025

Items Tagged with 'Angie Craig'


AFBF Panel Angie Craig GT Thompson Sara Wyant Ag Committee 1.jpg

House Ag leaders debate farm bill, possible SNAP cuts

Craig says last year's bill was skewed to southern crops

House Agriculture  Chairman Glenn “GT” Thompson indicated Monday he wants to limit cuts to SNAP that Republicans will try to make through the budget reconciliation process. But the panel’s new top Democrat, Rep. Angie Craig, questioned whether he can hold the line and warned that a deep reduction could ultimately doom a new farm bill. She also said the committee's farm bill last year was skewed to benefit southern farmers. 

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Ten issues to watch this year: Farm and agriculture policy faces broad uncertainty

Tax and spending cuts are at the top of the to-do list for congressional Republicans and President-elect Donald Trump. But there are a broad array of other issues in play that are critical to food and agriculture, from farm bill and the next dietary guidelines to regulations for pesticides and gene-edited crops, and the future of the Biden administration's climate policies.

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Craig wins top Democratic slot on House Ag

Huffman gets Natural Resources post

Minnesota Rep. Angie Craig was elected Tuesday as the top Democrat on the House Agriculture Committee, giving her the responsibility of leading her party on farm policy in a new Congress controlled by Republicans who may try to slash spending and roll back the Biden administration's climate agenda. 

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